Our address is Relationship Scotland – Counselling Highland, 6 View Place, Inverness IV2 4SA
You can call us on 01463 712888, or email us at enquiries@counsellinghighland.org
Alternatively you can email us using the contact form below and we will respond as soon as we can.
Welcome to Relationships Scotland-Counselling Highland and thank you for your enquiry.
Our charity is experiencing a high volume of enquiries and we currently have a waiting list.
If you wish to register with us and be notified when a space becomes available, please email us back with your name and phone number, and our dedicated team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Please see below for a few alternative services that may provide support in the event of a crisis. You might also want to consider finding a COSCA/BACP accredited private counsellor on www.counselling-directory.org.uk
Mikeysline text 07786 20 77 55 www.mikeysline.co.uk
The Samaritans on 116 123 www.samaritans.org
Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87 www.breathingspace.scot
Family Mediation 01463 712 100
RASASH 03330 066 909 www.rasash.org.uk
Women’s Aid 0800 027 1234www.womensaid.scot
Abused Men is Scotland 03300 949 395 www.abusedmeninscotland.org
Call NHS 24 on 111 if you’re ill and it can’t wait until your GP surgery opens. The NHS 24 phone line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Relationships Scotland- Counselling Highland
Contact Form
Location Map
Complaints Procedure
We take client feedback seriously and as such we have an easy to understand Complaints Policy and Procedures which is openly available. There is also Guidance for People wishing to Make a Complaint which will help you to understand better the process and who to approach if you want to make a complaint.