Welcome to Relationships Scotland – Counselling Highland

If you are experiencing problems in your relationship, you’ve come to the right place. When a relationship begins to falter our health and happiness can also suffer. For many of us our first instinct is to try and work through the problems alone and it can be incredibly hard to ask for help, but if you do, you’ll be sympathetically listened to and we’ll decide together whether we’re the right people to help you take things forward. Please view our COUNSELLING page to find out more.
Counselling Highland is a Scottish Charity SC001163 and part of the national network that is Relationships Scotland. While our network provides a great range of services for individuals, couples and families, Counselling Highland specialises in couple counselling, and individual counselling where relevant to relationships.
From Inverness, we serve Highland region. Because the area is so large and it’s not always possible for clients to travel to us, we are building our outreach services, including telephone and online counselling. Don’t let distance deter you from asking for help.
Our couple counsellors are trained to a high standard, carefully supervised, and registered with Relationships Scotland, while our network is affiliated to COSCA.
Our charity is experiencing a high volume of enquiries and we have had to temporarily suspend accepting any new clients. We understand this may be disappointing and want to assure you that our Charity Trustees and staff are working hard to address it.
If you wish to register with us and be notified when we re-open our waiting list, please email enquiries@counsellinghighland.org with your name and phone number, and our dedicated team will be in touch as soon as we re-open the waiting list.
Please see below for a few alternative services that may provide support in the event of a crisis. You might also want to consider finding a COSCA/BACP accredited private counsellor on www.counselling-directory.org.uk
Mikeysline text 07786 20 77 55 www.mikeysline.co.uk
The Samaritans on 116 123 www.samaritans.org
Breathing Space on 0800 83 85 87 www.breathingspace.scot
Family Mediation 01463 712 100
RASASH 03330 066 909 www.rasash.org.uk
Women’s Aid 0800 027 1234 www.womensaid.scot
Abused Men is Scotland 03300 949 395 www.abusedmeninscotland.org
Call NHS 24 on 111 if you’re ill and it can’t wait until your GP surgery opens. The NHS 24 phone line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.